Upcoming events
A 24-Hour Advent Retreat: Holy Longing
Take a day this Advent season to pay attention to your deepest longings and what Christ wants to do about them.
Invited to Rest Mini-Retreat: Releasing Theme
Take a deep pause to reflect on what nature has to teach us about ourselves and about God. Make some space to notice what needs releasing.
Spiritual Retreat: Releasing Theme
Releasing — Is it time to let something go? Let’s make it official.
Invited to Rest Sabbath Retreat: the KEP Delta
Balancing Knowledge, Practice, and Encounter with Jesus, we will explore our unconscious spiritual predispositions and consider where we need to stretch ourselves in order to experience more well-rounded growth. Cost is $100 per person and includes food and lodging.
Registration Deadline is April 27.
Invited To Rest Mini-Retreat: On Abundance
"Lord, I just don't have enough_________."
How might you finish that sentence?
Bring a Bible, journal, pen, and a blanket or chair to the Church of the Lamb property for a morning away with God and others. We will start together at the barn by exploring our sense of scarcity and invite God to show us where his abundance fits in. We will also spend some time alone, meditating on Scripture and nature. RSVP (helpful but not required) to zoe@churchofthelamb.org.
A 24-Hour Advent Retreat: On Hope
Start the Advent season with a spiritual retreat designed to center your focus on hope and non-anxious waiting.
Invited to Rest Mini Retreat at the Abbey
Meet at the Church of the Lamb barn with a Bible, journal, and blanket or camp chair (or both) for enjoying a quiet patch of nature. Contact Zoe@churchofthelamb.org to RSVP (or just come).