Home-ing: Seeking the Hearts’ True Rest.
The Design
We are all different. No matter what your personality type or enneagram number, there are no two of us exactly alike. And yet, God designed us to need each other. I love helping people discover their design and purpose with the goal of becoming their intended selves for the glory of God and the good of the community.
The Foundation
Digging deep means being willing to get below the surface—to the heart of the matter. Taking the time to really listen, to wait on God, and to pay attention to who we really are in His eyes helps us to live into a truer reality than the one that so often dictates what we hear, believe, and choose. We can’t afford NOT to be intentional about our foundation.
The Renovation
For some, it’s time to re-think what we’ve gotten used to. If your soul has been neglected for a little while, you’ve probably accumulated some clutter. Maybe the rooms of your soul are not functioning in the most ideal way. Perhaps there are some cracks threatening the very structure of your faith. I can help you move some things around and get rid of some of the extras so that you can find spaciousness and serenity.
The Resting
The goal is to enter into the rest that God has prepared for his children. But most of us have no idea what that means, much less how to get there. Home should be a haven where we are most ourselves and most at rest. If we find our rest in God, this deep rest is available to our souls now. Jesus tenderly invites us in: “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Mt. 11:29)