Spiritual Direction

“To know our own soul is not a self-centered exercise. Rather, it is to know which are the idols that distract and divert us from God and which are the icons, the windows to God. We grow in self-knowledge in the context of community. Otherwise, we risk being caught in a fruitless circle of self-absorption or self-delusion. Our spiritual friends and companions in prayer, people who love us with detachment and see what we cannot, help keep us honest.”

The Practice of Prayer, Margaret Guenther

Book an appointment.

In our initial consultation, we will get to know each other a little bit, talk about whether spiritual direction is what you are looking for, and determine if we are good fit for each other and wish to proceed with scheduling. No cost.

Direction sessions are usually once a month for 60-90 minutes. We continue meeting together as long as it feels spiritually helpful.

My fee is donation based. The usual cost of spiritual direction is $40-70 an hour. I consider this a privilege and ministry, and do not want cost to be prohibitive to anyone.

We can schedule a meeting via Zoom or at my home, Mole End, in Harrisonburg, VA (preferred option). Just email me (zoe@churchofthelamb.org) with your preferred dates and times and I will respond ASAP with my availability.

Zoe Hansen is a fellow of Selah, Leadership Transformations, Inc., where she was trained and continues to receive supervision in Christian spiritual direction with a biblical foundation. Leadership Transformations also partners with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where Zoe is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies.

  • What is a Spiritual Director?

    Spiritual Directors are listening companions on our faith journey. They provide space for attentiveness to the voice of Jesus, helping us increase our capacity for discernment and response.

    Eugene Peterson wrote, “The assumption of spirituality is that God is doing something before I know it. So the task is not to get God to do something I think needs to be done, but to become aware of what God is doing so that I can respond to it and participate and take delight in it.” (The Contemplative Pastor)

    God-seekers throughout the centuries have sought out those who would sit down with them in their questioning and their wrestling and help them to learn to listen and notice what God is saying to them. In our time of spiritual confusion, many are rediscovering the ancient practice and seeking a “soul friend”, another name for the Spiritual Director.

  • Spiritual Direction is NOT:

    Counseling, Discipling, or Therapy.

    We are all at different places in our journeys and need different kinds of companions along the way. Spiritual Direction is holy listening, not advising. In this sacred context, the goal is to grow in dependence on the Holy Spirit to guide. Trusting that God is desiring intimacy with us, directors seek to facilitate the deepening of that relationship.

    While operating from basic orthodox Christian assumptions, teaching doctrine or giving discipleship instruction is not the task of the Christian Spiritual Director. Rather, the directee will be asked to bring an awareness of God’s activities in their daily life. What are they noticing in their scripture reading, in their prayer life? This includes “dry” times of not noticing anything. In this slow, meditative “showing up”, the Holy Spirit is the one who ultimately does the transformative work.